For more than a decade, SMB's Interim Executives have worked with a wide range of companies to help them move through periods of significant change, including: filling CEO or other senior operational vacancies; operational, behind the scenes, mentorship for maturing CEO's; independent strategy reviews; foreign sourcing or expanding into unfamiliar markets; or a myriad of other operational challenges and opportunities. Our ability to turn leadership challenges into sustainable value is unmatched by our world-class portfolio of C-suite executives who are on call to provide a time-based, cost bounded solution matched to specific client needs.

Ten qualities your board members must have

Here is what best practices in board composition look like from the perspective of an expert in turnarounds and change management.

Is it time for a change at your company?

Uncertainty looms on the horizon for many corporations fighting to move forward through our present economic climate. Small and midsized businesses are faced with considerable challenges, and many of them are finding themselves in transition phases without the promise of growth that only solid leadership can bring.

Making the case for using interim executives

Many small and mid-sized businesses continue to struggle to keep their heads above water and move their business on to the next successful growth phase. We have faced one of the most severe recessions in history and now contend with anemic economic growth. We are facing unprecedented challenges that demand experienced leadership at the top. Having the right CEO is more critical than ever.

How To Beat The Odds

It’s not a secret that the competitive landscape of our global community is rapidly changing. So, it makes sense that, in reaction to globalization, technological advances, global outsourcing and the fluctuating global economic climate, approximately 45,000 mergers and acquisitions were transacted around the world in 2010.

The Value of an Outside Perspective

Mergers and acquisitions have become a near daily occurrence as businesses strive to keep up with break-neck changes in the competitive landscape, including globalization, technological advances, global outsourcing and fluctuating economic conditions world-wide. Estimates indicate that in 2010, nearly 45,000 mergers and acquisitions were transacted around the globe.